Movie & Genre:

Characteristics of Fantasy:


  1. Gollum as Macbeth (Good and evil)
    1. Double nature
    2. Internal conflicts- Gollum and Macbeth are both driven by intense ambition which corrupts their morals, forcing them to deviate away from any of their virtues.
    3. Tragic Deaths: Both Macbeth and Gollum’s deaths were directly a result of their obsessions; Macbeth was rightfully punished by the supernatural for committing regicide to seize the throne while Gollum’s greed landed him in the lava.
    4. Speech qualities:
      1. sibilance
      2. Quick and slow pacing
  2. Saruman as Lady Macbeth
    1. Wise, yet evil
      1. Moral Decline as a result of selfish desire for power, both indulging in betrayal of those who they were supposed to serve (Duncan and Free Peoples)
    2. Uses personal status to deceive others
      1. Cunning and effortlessly manipulative in nature
  3. Hobbits as Lennox, Ross, lords & attendants
    1. Hobbits are depicted as a genuine race & culture
  4. Orc as the First Murderer
    1. Orcs were created by the Dark Lord → naturally evil
  5. Frodo as Banquo’s ghost
    1. Frodo was brave & honorable, but manipulated by the ring
    2. Corresponds to Banquo’s loyalty towards Duncan & his slightly ambitious state (asks for his prophecies)
    3. Gollum: expresses guilt in murdering purity (ghost Frodo), but starts acting crazy when he sees the ring (worn by ghost Frodo)

Location: Fangorn forest

How Gollum speaks: